User and Group Administration
User and Group Administration-
User(u) -u
Group(g) -
Command Mode Practice These Steps:-
vim /etc/passwd : contains user information
vim /etc/shadow : contains users password information
vim /etc/group : contains groups information
cat /etc/passwd : to view total users info
cat /etc/passwd | grep sam (or) getent passwd sam : to view only sam users information
cat /etc/shadow : to view passwords of all existing users
cat /etc/shadow | grep sam (or) getent shadow sam : to view only sam users password
cat /etc/group : to view all groups information
cat /etc/group | grep hr (or) getent group hr : to view only hr group information.
useradd <option> <username>
-u : TO change uid
syn: useradd -u <uidno> <username>
ex: useradd -u 1000 sraviin
-g : to add an user into a group
useradd -g <groupname> <username>
ex: useradd -g cyber sravn
-G :to add an user into a group
useradd -G <groupname> < username>
-s :to change shell
useradd -s <shell> <username>
/sbin/nologin: user can't able to login from this pc(he can login from remote pc)
syntax: useradd -s /sbin/nologin admin
/bin/false : user can't login from this pc from remote pc
useradd -s /bin/false <username>
-d : to change home directory of an user
syntax:useradd -d <home dir place> <username>
useradd -d /usr/mahi mahi
To modify an existing users account
usermod : usermod is the command to change modifications to an exisiting user account.
usermod -u <username> : to change uid of an existing user
usermod -G <groupname> <username> : to add an user into an existing group along with his primary group
usermod -g <groupname> <username> : to add an existing user into an existing group with out his primary group
usermod -d <home directory> <username> : to change an existing users home directory.
usermod -s <shell> <username> : to change shell for an existing user
gpasswd -a : to add an user into ennumber of groups
syntax: gpasswd -a <username> <groupname>
ex: gpasswd -a srinu hr
here we are adding srinu into hr group
gpasswd -d : to remove an user from a group
syntax: gpasswd -d <username> <groupname>
ex: gpasswd -d srinu hr
here we are removing srinu from hr group
gpasswd -M : to add N number of existing users into a group
syntax: gpasswd -M <user1>,<user2>,<user3> <groupname>
ex: gpasswd -M mahti,nabi,rajaa hr
here we are adding mahti,nabi,rajaa into hr group
userdel -r :delete an user account
syntax: userdel -r <username>
ex: userdel -r nabi (here we are deleting user nabi)
Group: group is nothing but logical grouping of users :
groupadd : this is the command to add a group
syntax: groupadd <groupname>
ex: groupadd itdprt
groupdel : groupdel is the command to remove a group.
syntax: groupdel <groupname>
ex: groupdel itdepart (here we are deleting itdepart group).
groupmod : used to modify an existing group.
-n : to change name of a group
syntax: groupmod -n <newname> <oldname>
ex: groupmod -n itdepartment itdpt
chgrp : chgrp is the command to change group ownership
syntax: chgrp <groupname> <file or dir name>
ex: chgrp itdepart /bds
here we are changing groupownership of /net to itdept group
chown : chown is the command to change ownership of a file or directory
synax: chown <username> <file or dir name>
ex: chown nabi /obs/oops
here we are changing ownership of /java/oops to mahesh
chown -R :to change ownership & groupownership directory file also same
syntax: chown -R <owner:groupowner> <file or dir>
ex: chown -R mahesh:itdepartment /java/oops
here we are changing ownership of /java/oops to mahesh & groupownership to itdepartment group
vim /etc/passwd : contains user information
vim /etc/shadow : contains users password information
vim /etc/group : contains groups information
cat /etc/passwd : to view total users info
cat /etc/passwd | grep sam (or) getent passwd sam : to view only sam users information
cat /etc/shadow : to view passwords of all existing users
cat /etc/shadow | grep sam (or) getent shadow sam : to view only sam users password
cat /etc/group : to view all groups information
cat /etc/group | grep hr (or) getent group hr : to view only hr group information.
useradd <option> <username>
-u : TO change uid
syn: useradd -u <uidno> <username>
ex: useradd -u 1000 sraviin
-g : to add an user into a group
useradd -g <groupname> <username>
ex: useradd -g cyber sravn
-G :to add an user into a group
useradd -G <groupname> < username>
-s :to change shell
useradd -s <shell> <username>
/sbin/nologin: user can't able to login from this pc(he can login from remote pc)
syntax: useradd -s /sbin/nologin admin
/bin/false : user can't login from this pc from remote pc
useradd -s /bin/false <username>
-d : to change home directory of an user
syntax:useradd -d <home dir place> <username>
useradd -d /usr/mahi mahi
To modify an existing users account
usermod : usermod is the command to change modifications to an exisiting user account.
usermod -u <username> : to change uid of an existing user
usermod -G <groupname> <username> : to add an user into an existing group along with his primary group
usermod -g <groupname> <username> : to add an existing user into an existing group with out his primary group
usermod -d <home directory> <username> : to change an existing users home directory.
usermod -s <shell> <username> : to change shell for an existing user
gpasswd -a : to add an user into ennumber of groups
syntax: gpasswd -a <username> <groupname>
ex: gpasswd -a srinu hr
here we are adding srinu into hr group
gpasswd -d : to remove an user from a group
syntax: gpasswd -d <username> <groupname>
ex: gpasswd -d srinu hr
here we are removing srinu from hr group
gpasswd -M : to add N number of existing users into a group
syntax: gpasswd -M <user1>,<user2>,<user3> <groupname>
ex: gpasswd -M mahti,nabi,rajaa hr
here we are adding mahti,nabi,rajaa into hr group
userdel -r :delete an user account
syntax: userdel -r <username>
ex: userdel -r nabi (here we are deleting user nabi)
Group: group is nothing but logical grouping of users :
groupadd : this is the command to add a group
syntax: groupadd <groupname>
ex: groupadd itdprt
groupdel : groupdel is the command to remove a group.
syntax: groupdel <groupname>
ex: groupdel itdepart (here we are deleting itdepart group).
groupmod : used to modify an existing group.
-n : to change name of a group
syntax: groupmod -n <newname> <oldname>
ex: groupmod -n itdepartment itdpt
chgrp : chgrp is the command to change group ownership
syntax: chgrp <groupname> <file or dir name>
ex: chgrp itdepart /bds
here we are changing groupownership of /net to itdept group
chown : chown is the command to change ownership of a file or directory
synax: chown <username> <file or dir name>
ex: chown nabi /obs/oops
here we are changing ownership of /java/oops to mahesh
chown -R :to change ownership & groupownership directory file also same
syntax: chown -R <owner:groupowner> <file or dir>
ex: chown -R mahesh:itdepartment /java/oops
here we are changing ownership of /java/oops to mahesh & groupownership to itdepartment group
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